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My Story - MARISA RUDDER - Author and Founder of the Love & Obey Movement


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Join the Love & Obey Movement and Start Your Loving Female Led Relationship Today!

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Marisa Rudder is the author of the Bestselling Female Led Relationship Series; Love and Obey, Real Men Worship Women, Oral Sex For Women, Cuckolding, Spanking, Chastity, Turning Point FLR Affirmations, as well as, Swinging, Femdom, Queendom, Mommy's in Charge, Submissive, Hotwife and Female Led Relationship. She is also founder of the global Love and Obey Female Empowerment movement. She is a coach and trainer to celebrities, executives, athletes, and countless other people from all walks of life who all swear by her philosophies. Marisa has been a feminist and advocate of female supremacy in all areas of life and she dedicates her life to improving the lives of women around the world.


Feminism always appealed to Marisa but she never felt comfortable with the extreme male hating dogma that some of her female professors and feminist girlfriends preached. Marisa loves men and being in the company of men. Although her strict Catholic upbringing shaped many of her early beliefs that women should allow men to lead. Marisa knew deep down inside that the opposite would make a better world. She tried to fit into the patriarchal social mold until everything changed and she realized women were made to lead the world.


Today she continues to follow her dreams and she has become a leader in the female empowerment movement. She believes every woman can become anything she sets her sights on. She is thankful that she has been able to follow her dreams and become a Bestselling Author and Life Coach to people all over the world.

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